Sitemap - 2024 - Kosar on Congress and Governance
I read Michael Tackett's new book on Mitch McConnell
Will GOP Senators demand a more open Senate when they come to DC next week?
How one congressional staffer made a difference
Event: Can We Revive the Senate?
My short chat with Vance Ginn about OMB and the budget deficit.
Data point: 81 of the most recent 100 Senate votes have been on nominations
Yes, senators can restore the world’s greatest deliberative body
How John Adams’ words and deeds helped define the presidency
Event: The Challenges to Republican Self-Governance in the 21st Century
The first branch really is supposed to be first
When Congress does not legislate don’t be surprised if a president acts
Pssst---Congress did stuff this week!
An unhappy 50th birthday for the congressional budget process
What might incentivize Congress to tackle the deficit and colossal national debt?
Systemic election reforms: What's going on?
Is pushing out Biden democratic?
Please come by AEI on Monday at 4pm
A brief note on the bad old days in Congress
Fixing Congress: Restoring Power to the People
Elections create incentives. So let's talk about structuring them to incentivize better governance
Remembering CRS legend Judy Schneider
Are partisan primaries the best we can do for choosing candidates?
How Congress can tame the administrative state
Want government to work better? Then have it do fewer things.
Reading "Romney: A Reckoning" is a reminder that religious bigotry knows no party
Does Congress still suffer from demosclerosis?
No, neither Congress nor national politics ever has been normal
The dog catches the bumper: Is Congress ready for a post-Chevron world?
A congressional capacity problem you may not have heard about
So Who Will Be the Next GOP Majority Leader?
The Good and the Bad on Capitol Hill
What Is Congress’ Role in a Contingent Presidential Election? (with John Fortier)
Whooping It Up with the Budget Hawks
Yes, Congress Actually Is Doing Substantive Things
Top Reads on Congress This Week
Why does anyone run for Congress?
New: Staffing Congress to Strengthen Oversight of the Administrative State
About Those GOP Legislators Quitting the House...
Ultimatums from the House Freedom Caucus won’t stop the spending binge
Sooo... Can We Measure How Effective Legislators Are?